Lynyrd Skynyrd – Live At Knebworth '76
(Eagle Vision / Eagle Records - 2021)

Well this is one of those bands that well and truly set the standard of the genre with this being a legendary performance that saw the Jacksonville, Florida boys and of course girls hit UK turf, Knebworth Park to be exact in the Summer of 1976 on August 21st.
The set list literally reads like a greatest hits backstage which the band very much works from to this day with all the usual classics like 'Sweet Home Alabama' & 'Freebird' in there as well as bar room boogie classis such as 'Gimme Three Steps' & 'Whisky Rock & Roller'
I know it sounds cliché but this show makes you think you are there or at least really wanted to be there to witness the coolness of one of the worlds best ever live rock bands of a legendary status. The band are a long way away from the crowd – surely we weren't that badly behaved back then?
It makes you wonder what is going around their heads while they look out to the crowd, performing to us hairy limeys. It's also rather sad to watch Cassie, Steve and Ronnie and think they would no longer be with us a few months later but that's another story, let's stick with the present happening. There are some lovely closeups of each member and I especially love those of the Honkettes (Jojo, Cassie &
While watching it's easy to see that Ronnie ruled that band with a tight reign as you see him eyeing members closely with a cold stare at times as to tell them to play it right and don't drop a note. Funnily enough, the entire thing is absolutely spot on from beginning to end.
Mr. Van Zant does seem to be really enjoying 'T For Texas' since there are a few smiles from him to the enormous crowd with many dancing away throughout the gig. This os one hell of an amazing Concert Presentation and thank God Eagle did us the honours and released it. It even comes with a Soundtrack of the show on CD too!
Absolute Southern Greatness!
By Glenn Milligan