Deathinition – Online
(S/R - 2017)

For a band whose cd sleeve is almost entirely in their native tongue (Polish), Deathinition's name is an impressive pun.
No gripes intended, 'Online' while not much of a nip more original than a lot of other similarly European thrash releases of late is still a loveable listen. Notably mid paced metal rhythms with swing and flow but frightening twin guitar anger as per standard dictate which way all of these nine tunes shall run. Having a vocalist who actually sings, and delivers the notes in a deep Anselmo/Flynn growl gives weight and you wouldn't want this mix of eighties meets nineties to land on your feet.
Definite crowd pleasers come up with 'Truecizna', 'Zlota Kariera', 'Online' and 'Dezinformacje24' in mind by which time the language barrier will ne absolutely flat in the grit and you will be humming the lyrics to 'Ludzkie Z.O.o.' on the way home after. Make a live show over here possible by investing in a copy - either online... or elsewhere.
By Dave Attrill
RECOMMENDED IF YOU LIKE: Testament, Machine Head, Exodus, Metallica & Anthrax.