Make Up Your Mind – No Need To Travel (E.P.)
(Volcano Records - 2021)

I know what you are thinking, 'Make Up Your Mind'?? Well I know the title of the artist seems a bit baffling and makes the brain work overtime trying to fathom out what it all is... in fact, it's actually a multi-instrumentalist called Simon Morsilia.
He is hard to put your finger on totally on what style he plays since it's complex and unsettling and falls somewhere between 'System of a Down' without the nu-metal overload or shouty vocals meets a kind of 'Dream Theater' without going too over the top with a million time changes and constant solos – but there are a few of those but not to the point of extensiveness – that make any sense?
Perfect examples include the opening title track bright and unnerving 'No Need To Travel'; the topsy, turvy all over the placeness of 'Rock Ma Heavier'; the examining 'Essense Of Music' or the harmonising, gritty distortive strumming ditty that is the closing 'She (The Reason)'. Definitely a CD you have to play a few times to get your head around.
Try it out.
By Glenn Milligan