The Mercy Kills - New Rule (E.P.)
(Golden Robot Records – 2021)

Like many places around the globe, the Covid pandemic hasn't quite put paid to Australia's quality recorded produce in the rock industry as it might have tried to.
Half male/female foursome The Mercy Kills have got me to my attention before with their eighties infested alternative hard rock noise they seem not to have got any less dangerous, since
'I Wanna' explodes, in a parcel of pounding bass led industrial beats and chorus packed with punk attitude and vocalist, Mark E is accordingly reminiscent of Devon Townsend in his most subtle periods.
Follow up number 'New Rule' echoes the sensation of several hundred boots stamping a mercifully sturdy floor. 'Fall' hits in with a rippling solo widdle and a waving chorus that comes up soon you have had no time to take the verses in. Nicely reminiscent of Brit rockers The Almighty' s later efforts with a sprinkling of Sonic Youth and Blondie, this raucous five tracker is a great new try if you have yet to taste this seemingly mercy-less mob.
Be warned, missing out might Kill you.
By Dave Attrill
RECOMMENDED IF YOU LIKE: The Ramones, Therapy, Green Day & The Mars Volta.