Syteria – Reflection
(Cargo Records – 2020)

The second album from the rockers that feature Jackie Chambers (Lead Guitarist) of Girlschool who have put a lot of work in over the last year and more with regard the gig scene
Since their release of 'Rant-O-Bot' they have changed the line-up slightly with Steph Dawson replacing Kiera Kenworthy on Bass who now full-time elsewhere. The bands is of course completed by Pablo and Julia Calvo (on drums and lead vocals respectively) and come across like a supreme and refined up-to-date version of a band like The Runways trading riffs and licks with The Wildhearts with killer female vocals on top. In fact, the singing chops are so vibrant and strong throughout and mightily impressive.
It's packed full of gutsy songs with tons of energy and a slightly punk edge at times that have brash shouty backing vocals now and again with highlights including the opener that wakes you up from the starting block that is 'Make Some Noise' or the title track 'Reflection' about looking in the mirror that includes some marvellous scratching down the strings sounds with the plectrum in appropriate parts of the song making it very punk rock!
Later on you get great cuts like the beautifully heavy 'Sorry' with it's amazing acoustic sections; 'As If' with it's f*ck you ballsiness or 'Back Off' that's in a similar kinda vibe. I love the closer that is the slamming 'Guilty' that features jail cell doors cracking shut at the end of this marvellous number. I think the mix and sound production seems warmer and clearer than the debut too with credits here going to Tim Hamill at Sonic One Studios and they can definitely be proud of this album for sure.
A great release that's well worth buying!
By Glenn Milligan