Knight Errant – S/T
(Trak – 1999)

The Turks debut album that although classed as Folk Metal also seems to mix in early Eurometal and dips into some Power Metal territory too not that that's a bad thing of course.
Standouts are the opening 'On The Green' which flys at you and sets the strategy of the battle ground for what else is about to come, Fatal Rankle especially for the instrument section, 'Gilgamesh' for the fantastic violin soloing and raw guitar work that backs it up, 'Arrive At The Rainbow' with its climatic end or the closing 'Knight Errant' with its closing shout ensemble.
A band who go down as one of those who no doubt a joy to witness live and I do hope we will get a chance to witness them in the UK one day because their musical arrangements are very entertaining and no doubt visually too.
By Glenn Milligan