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Soothsayer - Echoes of the Earth

(Transcending Obscurity Records – 2021)

Soothsayer - Echoes Of The Earth use.jpg

Not to be confused with the Canadian band of like name, this Ulster stoner outfit's sound is anything but soothing.


Carried largely on a wave of lumpen noisy dirge, there are a few detractable moments on guitar, mostly going into and out of the tracks and a Megadeth feel to the bass intro on 'War Of The Doves'.  Some driving rhythm guitar lines save it in places, otherwise the six track disc meanders and mauls along under a deathly roar that sounds tortured at the best of time.


Not quite my cup of tea but if you are a fan of the sound that Iron Monkey specialise in, then avoid this review, not the album.



By Dave Attrill

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