Billy Lake Up – Grow Up
(S/R – 2018)

A Whitby, UK based ensemble of musicians who play plenty of local shows in North Yorkshire that I found out about via mutual friends in the area.
This ramshackled crew that has been cobbled together around this coastal area of the world consists of Jenny Tweedy (Vocals/Percussion), Dave Shackleton (Rhythm Guitar/Vocals & Main Writer), Kris Verrill (Lead Guitar/Vocals), Anna Sweeney (Sax/Vocals/Piano), Mark Bogey (Bass Guitar) & Keith Young (Drums) session musicians Rob Watson (Bass) and Lee Jones (Piano).
There's some brilliant blues sounds in this neat album such as in the opening track 'The Comedown' and 'Hamilton Blues' where the sax playing is off the chain at one point, which is the same that can be said for the cut 'Why' as well – pipingly brilliant to say the least!
'Falling Star' is one hell of a lovely ballad and what about the gorgeous acoustic come electric closer that is a live version of a ditty called 'Going Home' with some mesmerising female backing vocals that beautifully blends with Dave's vocal lines. Hey there's even a bit of Punk Rock on there called 'Falling In Love' which is so unpunk as a song name right? It totally works though regardless!
A album that landed on my lap by total chance and I am so glad it did. One day I aim to see this fabulous varied styled band live in their own environment and have a fine bag of fish and chips afterwards.
By Glenn Milligan