Twister – Cursed & Corrected
(Cargo Records – 2020)

A jumped up bunch of vagabonds (only kiddin' guys) who have a lively refine pop-punk sound to them on a crash course with The Wildhearts who come from the North East of the UK.
The quartet is made up of Stevie Stoker (Guitar/Vocals), Jack Grimes (Guitar/BV's), Ryan Lee (Bass/BV's) & Jack Corbett (Drums/BV's) who after their gorgeous but short church organ opener, 'We Are The Cursed & Corrected' unleash some real blasters upon us with 'Save Us Yourself' setting the ball a-rolling!
Love the pounding and at times tight vocal-phased 'Wild & Lonely (Fingers Crossed)' with it's pounding choral sections); the beautiful, sad and heartfelt ballad 'Mystery' or the exceedingly positive and needy 'Monroe'. Then there's the unnervingly dark and ska filled 'Fist Fight By The Waterside' or the biting & building closer '64 White Lies' with a fantastic in-your-face bawly chorus which is a comparison to the lighter verse sections.
You'll definitely light up the vibe in a room with this one!
By Glenn Milligan