Noctulux - From The Shadows
(S/R – 2017/2019)

Dutch 5 piece Noctulux fuse symphonic metal melodic rock and goth together to a pretty gargantuan outcome on this debut album.
Fronted by the feather voiced silkness of Mirjam Van Der Wel the band have built up around her from 015 onwards, with the rest of the personnel having progressively amalgamated over the two years to follow resulting in this musical masterwork.
From cruiding rockers like 'Break Me Down' and 'Goodbye' to creamy semi-ballads such as 'Fear', and Mirjam's magnificent Amy Lee inspired display on 'Close My Eyes' there is not a filler in place either side and some scrumptious 70s-dressed soloing from axeman Maarten Langeree is above enough to compensate if there's any part where the hooks fail to display.
Huge melodies and meaty passionate playing with nothing less than par to talk of, this one will reach out to their many Scandinavian counterparts while also seeing quite a few of the cock-eared AOR faithful come across the road for a listen.
Noctulux are here to show they don't mess around.
By Dave Attrill
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